Chihuahua Dog: Cute Dog

Chihuahua dog is one of kind of dog which is loved by so many people. Since this dog is a cute and also dog nice dog that has adorable appearance and also has expressive eyes.

Chihuahua Dog

Among the other kind of common dog which is chosen by the common people as their dog, Chihuahua dog is one of the most favorite dog which is absolutely loved by so many people, including women. Chihuahua dog has been one of the most favorite dogs, since this dog has nice appearance that everyone will love.

Chihuahua Dog

Chihuahua Dog

Chihuahua Dog

Chihuahua Dog

Besides has nice appearance, this kind of pet dog can also be categorized as the smallest dog in world. The Chihuahua dog can usually weight about 2-6 lbs. The standard weight is based on the healthy weight. Meanwhile the height of this cute dog is about 6-8 inches. It has full and also expressive eyes that make this dog much cute.


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